Bob Sparks: Controlled and Uncontrolled Choices
About Bob Sparks
You can find my Dad working hard or keeping balance to the family. Whether it's driving my siblings and I to school or watching my basketball game, my Dad is always helping and always there.
“You know, sometimes when you see people that just came to the school. They’re the new kid and they just aren’t comfortable. It’s tough for them, but for me it shaped me as a person”. For me personally this is why I believe my Dad is so social. He has always been one to attempt to converse and meet people. He is exceptionally social and I do think the amount he moved really really changed how he interacts with people and new cultures.
My Dad really has some great stories about all the places he has lived in America and the world, one of my favorite stories that he has is one from this quote, “And so, you know, you were kind of the, and then when you said, oh yeah, I just moved here when we moved to Louisiana. Okay. We're in this small town in Louisiana and we moved from the Netherlands Hollands and people thought I'd been flown in from space.” This was one of my favorite quotes. It really shows the variety of places my dad has lived in, I think it is why he has such a good understanding of other cultures and how to act and be around them.
“I don't really have a home, I grew up a citizen of the world”
-Bob Sparks
“Never be scared to move around…leave a little bit of yourself here and there” I think this is something that is really interesting to me. I have realized it is important in my life because I don't really have a home. I was born in England but I really only lived there for five years. And I have my house in Switzerland, but for me what is important is being and connecting with countries and cultures around the world. I would really love to live in other countries and I think it would be a great experience.
“You know, I think you guys were, uh, a little, uh, skeptical when we were gonna move from England to here. And I've asked you many times, you know, was it the right choice? And you guys all say, oh yeah, we're really glad,” It shows my parents really care and think about our lives when we move. They make sure to talk with us and really make sure we are comfortable. I am really grateful for this and really grateful for how my parents account for my siblings and I’s opinion greatly.
“I'm an American by birth and citizenship…some people they don't expect you to be as worldly as you are as well”
By Theo Sparks