How Do You Feel About Your Job?
About Cristina Gamboa Gil de Sola
My aunt is married, has 3 children, one is my age (12) and is a boy, the other one is 15 and is a girl and the last one is 18 and is a boy. She works in a NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). She is a pediatric nurse.
Could we start with you telling me a bit more about yourself with regards to your job?
“I became a registered nurse in 1999 and since then I’ve worked in different places. The first one was in a private medical clinic for four years and after that I got a job in a Spanish National Health System hospital. For the last 15 years I’ve been working in a NICU ( Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) and I also specialized and became a pediatric nurse.”
Have you ever felt like other people see your job differently than you? Can you give an example?
“Sometimes people believe that my job with neonatal patients is very hard because they are ill or borned preterm or they need to have an operation made, or need any other medical treatment, but the truth is that they’re so strong as tiny, most of them fully recover and have a long life to run with their families and in my opinion, taking care of babies is more pleasant than with adults or older children.”
“Don’t be too critical with your family since they’ll always be there to help you”
-Cristina Gamboa Gil de Sola
Do you think your job impacts the way you see the world around you? How? Can you give an example?
“Absolutely yes, my job makes me aware of the fragility of human life, makes me think more than the rest of the people about life and death and how important it is to be healthy. Every day you live is a present, having a loving family is a privilege.”
Do you have any advice for your younger self or young people who also have/ may have similar experiences?
“Work hard to achieve your goals, work on something you like, be as good a professional as you can be, take care of your health and don’t be too critical with your family since they’ll always be there to help you.”
“I’ve always felt very proud about my job.”