Education Journey
About Robert Sexton
Robert Sexton is a very accomplished person. He grew up less fortunate than others and has worked hard to get to where he is today. His parents were very supportive and pushed him to work the hardest and get the best education he could.
Tell me a bit about yourself with regards to your education...
I have always been very focused on my education, from a very early age. My parents encouraged this because they were both very, very intelligent people, but they never had the opportunity to get a higher education… My mother was very smart and when she got out of Highschool she got many scholarships to many colleges, but she couldn’t go, because she had to work and support her family… My father went to the army to fight in WWII and when he got out of the army in 1945 he came back to NY and worked as a printer. Before that he tried going to night college at Columbia but it was too stressful… my parents sent me to a catholic school until eighth grade. I was at the top of my class for eight years and then I went to Regis Highschool... and then I went to Virginia to practice law… after I got out of college I started at big law firms and then moved to where I work now.
Compared to your other characteristics, how important was your education?
It was absolutely critical, it defined me and formed me and it has introduced me to many different areas that I may have not been able to be introduced to if I hadn’t had so much education. It taught me how to think and write critically and Form my own opinions rather than accepting the opinions of others…
If someone is qualified to get into a very good school based on what they can do and how smart they are and what their test scores are, should they get in regardless of their background?
Yes, I think whether they're diverse or privileged they should get in. Nomatter what their background is. I think that there is always a place for anybody.
„I have never been embarrassed of my education, only proud“
- Robert Sexton
Have you ever felt proud or embarrassed about your education?
Proud always. Embarrassed never. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Yes, I think whether they're diverse or privileged they should get in. Nomatter what their background is. I think that there is always a place for anybody.
Have you ever felt discriminated against because of your education?
Almost never. There was one instance where my son was not accepted into some colleges that he should’ve gotten into. Apparently because of the current trend towards diversity. Many colleges are starting to discriminate against children like my son who come from privileged backgrounds. I agree that some kids from less fortunate backgrounds deserve to go to good schools and if they work hard then great, but again it cannot be only people from less fortunate backgrounds. There should be a mix.
Do you think that your education impacts the way you see the world around you how? Can you give an example?
Sure, it does. Because the more you’re educated you are, the more of an opinion you can have. One example is the current political situation in the US, which is complex. My education has allowed me to have an opinion on this issue and to agree or disagree and express my opinions accordingly.