Harry Potter Recipes: 4 Creative Ways to Have These Magical Foods At Home

Harry Potter Recipes: 4 Creative Ways to Have These Magical Foods At Home

Harry Potter is one of the most magical(literally!) book/film series in the world. The food in this series has made us wonder, what if we could experience this in real life? Well now we can! Here are some recipes to kill Voldemort with!


Butterbeer is one of the most popular(non-alcoholic) Harry Potter drinks. It’s basically the magic version of Crème brûlée! It is served in one of the restaurants in Hogsmeade, where Hogwarts students can go to take a break from schoolwork(if only all schools had their own village!). Here’s a recipe by Pepper.ph for this mouth-watering drink.

Cauldron Cake

Cauldron Cake is exactly what it sounds like. Cake in a cauldron! Whether that cauldron is food or not, the inside shall always be the best potion in the world. Cake. The very first actual Cauldron Cakes first made their debut in 2010 at Universal Studios. People went crazy over them. Now, with just the right ingredients, these pastries can be enjoyed without buying a ticket to the Wizarding World! The Starving Chef has been kind enough to share their copycat Cauldron Cake with us through the internet!

Pumpkin Juice

The best drink mentioned in all but the first book… Pumpkin Juice! When the students aren’t old enough to drink Butterbeer and Firewhiskey, the alternative option for them is Pumpkin Juice! It is quite literally Pumpkin Juice. Basically think of the classic fall dessert, pumpkin pie, and turn it into juice! This delectable drink pairs perfectly with Albus Dumbledore’s Sherbet Lemon Drops which you can find below. A big thanks to Favorite Family Recipes for bringing this drink to life.

Lemon Drops

Lemon Drop anyone? Professor Dumbledore sure loved Muggle candies. One that struck in particular were his Sherbet Lemon Drops. They weren’t shown much in the books but they sure made a mark. Feast of Starlight was kind enough to make us a recipe for these sweet Muggle treats.

So, now that you have these recipes, go out and make these potions that will make Professor Snape give 50 points to Gryffindor!

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