Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

A coat of darkness surrounds the earth's surface, People breathing in the awful air, the ice at the north pole melting, and the air polluted with chemicals… is that the planet you want?

Many say renewable energy is "energy that can be renewed," but in reality, it is way more than that. If we increase the use of renewable energy, it could aid the planet and make it more sustainable. 


In a shortened form, renewable energy is an energy source that can be reused countless times and still be a great energy source. In other words, Renewable Energy is an energy source that is made and can be replenished; for instance, an excellent example would be energy created with the sun as a resource. 

Nevertheless, getting this energy is more than just the sun's job. The sun also needs solar panels to convert the sun's light into energy that is then used as light, internet, heat, and many more that we use in our daily lives.


Renewable energy is often considered another option for fossil fuels, coal energy, nuclear energy, and other non-renewable energy sources. This is so because it is better for our planet. Having renewable energy sources is also beneficial because it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions, which is an excellent way of making our world more sustainable. According to the solar project, the initial idea of renewable energy started around 2000 years ago in Europe. With the creation of a water wheel (476-221 BC). Leston Pelton created the first-ever waterwheel without even knowing what an impact it would have on the future. A water wheel is made of wood pieces in a circular shape. The movement of the water turns the water wheel. This force pushes the paddles of water and creates a spinning motion.


Another common energy source is tidal energy. Tidal Energy is produced by generators underwater that create a turning movement that makes the plates spin. The turning movement creates energy that will then be transformed into energy we use daily. Tidal Energy is primarily used in places that are near water sources such as; lakes or oceans. When this happens, energy is produced through motion which people can then use as energy for light in their homes or as others like heat. Different renewable energy sources benefit various things, such as geothermal energy, for heating homes, offices, and even schools. In an interview with Mr. Wood, he stated that “I think we have to raise everyone’s awareness”.

“ I think we have to raise everyone’s awareness ”

- Mr. Wood, Middle School Principal


In a recent article from about the swiss "usage of Renewable Energy," the journalist Writes, "Last year three-quarters of the electricity from Swiss sockets came from renewable sources." " This confirms that there has been a massive increase in people’s renewable energy usage in Switzerland as well; the Swiss government has planned to increase this usage by 2050. They want the user to be at 2000 watts of renewable energy per person. However, according to the 2000 Watt society PDF of Zurich, the resident of Zurich use 5000 watts of energy per resident! Even though they plan to do this, there will still be a small quantity of non-renewable energy used since there has to be an efficient and good balance between these two energy sources. Even so, many people find this plan a fantastic idea.

One aspect that people are also debating about is where and what kind of renewable energy source they are going to use in the different communities. For instance, in large districts, it is tough to install solar panels if it does not receive much sun, or wind turbines need much space and are loud, so it would not be very efficient to install them in a valley where there is not so much space and the communities do not like that much noise. Finally, one last example could be energy generated with water. 

To get this energy, you would have to place generators in a space with a free place to put them in the water. For instance, placing these generators in a lake would not make the citizens happy since they also want their bathing spots to swim and do sports. In general, Switzerland is already using more than 1000 watts per person of renewable energy, according to the Swiss energy master plan. 


As will all things, everything has beneficial and harmful consequences. Renewable energy is valuable in many situations, like having an energy source that is constantly replenished and can be used over and over again. Renewable energy also uses the natural elements given by the earth to make our energy. It is also an excellent solution for global warming and a massive decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. Yet, it is not only about how good it is for the planet but also about the economic aspect, like new job opportunities for people. The idea of renewable energy would also support equity because it will help everyone have a clean environment, and many people won’t have the consequences of polluted air. Many people can create their energy by installing a renewable energy source in their house, for instance, solar energy. This is because many people have more job opportunities and are paid enough to care for themselves and their families.

Even though renewable energy has a lot of benefits and a lot to offer, there are also consequences to consider. Such as the economic perspective. For example, solar panels are not cheap to install; in the US, a 250W (Watts), solar panel costs about £400-500. Another disadvantage with: for example, solar panels is that they can only be used when the sun is shining at night. Manufacturing many renewable energy sources (generators, solar panels, etc.) is not as sustainable as the actual energy. Also, not every renewable energy source can be placed wherever needed. Nevertheless, generally speaking, renewable energy is in many ways better than non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels. 


There have been many debates about promoting renewable energy usage, according to an article from "sustainability for all." One central idea is to educate more people and inform them about how non-renewable energy can harm everyone and the generations to follow. Even so, subsidize renewable energy and find a compromise to allow everyone to install a renewable energy source.

Renewable energy is an essential factor in our lives. Thus, we as humans should pay more attention to including renewable energy in our daily lives. If we use the concept of looking after our earth by supplying homes, schools, and other buildings, we aid the planet and create a healthier and more sustainable world. However, renewable energy raises many debates on how we can improve our earth in the following years. 

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