The Process to my PC

The Process to my PC

Gaming. I love gaming! I love playing with my friends, beating and losing to them, and playing weird, funny games. Winning and losing to AI, bots, and people with funny names. What’s not to love! My old iMac served well as a battle station, but it is now time for an upgrade. 

Why I need a new system

Apple’s infamous rainbow wheel

I need a new setup to be faster and more efficient for gaming and other research or schoolwork. My current iMac, which I am using, is long past its peak days. The fans are loud. It takes a long time to shut down and startup again and applications all take a long time to load. Apple’s famous spinning rainbow wheel and eternal loading screen are both everlasting.  These are all obvious signs that the iMac is nearing the end of its working days. Many people think of repairing it, but it is cheaper and easier to replace than repair. Replacing the iMac gives me a chance to build a new one. Fixing a broken product will cost the same as buying a new version of that product. The only difference is, if repaired, the product is more likely to break or be dysfunctional in the future. Now that is something not to risk.

In a time when technology is the way forward, it is essential to understand computers. Building a PC will better my understanding of computers. Therefore, I have decided I want to create my very own PC.  This process will teach me how computers work and how to assemble and disassemble components. 

First, I had quite a lot of questions to answer. Why do I need a new computer? How does a computer work? What does each of the components do? How will I know if my parts are compatible? What price should I set as my budget? Finally, after two interviews with experts and several hours of research, I was ready to start.

A typical computer setup does not have enough memory, storage, and a fast enough processor to support games. The older Apple computers also have old, slow CPUs. These old processors take time to react and take action. If they don’t respond fast enough, it will waste time and lag which makes it extremely difficult to play games. Games such as Valorant, Rocket League, and Apex Legends are all live games. Lag will provide me with a significant disadvantage to my opponents.

Most importantly, Apple’s iMac is a complex platform for gaming. Apple doesn’t allow some specific software to be updated and doesn’t allow some to be downloaded at all! In addition, Apple does not have a good history with a few individual gaming companies. These conflicts cause severe difficulties in updating or even downloading software. If the right software is available, customization and personalization to the setup, updates, games, or even downloads will be a smooth process. However, if the correct software is not available, control over the setup, equipment, and software is not available either.

What does each component do?

I learned why a new system would benefit me, but what are all the fancy parts within the computer? What do they do? These needed for a computer are as follows, in order from most to least important:

  1. A motherboard. The motherboard is the unit that connects all other parts. It is the circuit of the computer as it allows different components to interact with each other.

  2. A processor (CPU). The motherboard is the unit that connects all other parts. It allows different components to interact with each other. On the other hand, the CPU is the brain of the computer. It works with software and applications. In Addition, it decrypts code, instructions, and programs. The CPU also works with several operating systems to find data about the image and sends it to the GPU via the motherboard.

  3. A graphics card (GPU). Using the data given from the CPU, the GPU calculates how to use pixels to display the image. Finally, the GPU renders this data and sends this data to the monitor. The monitor translates the data into electronic signals and displays the information as an image on the screen.

  4. Memory (RAM). The RAM stores data used most often by applications to be easily and quickly accessed later on. Memory helps store and run the software smoothly. Its presence is essential to a computer.

  5. Storage. A computer needs storage to store files, games, documents, etc. It is where the computer saves anything used or needed. Without it, the computer won’t be able to operate.

  6. A power supply unit (PSU). The power supply unit is a component that contains and provides electricity to other computer parts. The faster the computer runs, the more power the PSU will need to provide.

  7. A case. The case is a big box which contains and holds all parts together. Its main job is to keep everything together. In cases, people look for good cable management and good looks.

My Plan

As suggested by a 10th grader at ZIS and a PC  expert, Charles Baldinger suggested a price limit of 1,300-1,500 CHF. Taking this advice, it was now my budget. However, checking for compatibility was a struggle. I needed to check the detailed product page of each component and use a website named PC Part Picker to double-check for me. It wasn’t easy to find quality components compatible with one another while following my budget. 

After checking for any other problems, I finally had a list of all my components. Prices change every day, but generally, the total cost of the computer is 1,500 CHF. I came up with this with all parts checked for compatibility and performance and a long life span. My parts include:

Prices of components are constantly changing*

  • Asus ROG Strix B550-F Gaming Wi-Fi (Motherboard)

    The B550-F Gaming Wi-Fi from Asus is one of the best budget motherboards in the market. Including Wi-Fi and an audio card itself solves so many other complications.  The motherboard also incorporates cooling for the CPU in case of overheating scenarios. The B550-F chipset also supports my processor. The Asus ROG Strix B550-F Gaming Wi-Fi is a solid and reliable choice for a motherboard. Currently, this motherboard is available for 199 CHF. The price of this motherboard is constantly varying and has previously cost less. All in all, 199 CHF for this motherboard is an average price.

Asus ROG Strix B550-F Gaming Wi-Fi

  • AMD Ryzen 7 3700x (Processor)

    The AMD Ryzen 7 3700x is one of the most reliable processors out there. It provides fantastic benchmarks in general and for gaming. Considered one of the better mid-range processors, the seven 3700x offers better performance while consuming less power. Included with the CPU, AMD also sends their Wraith Prism RGB CPU Cooler to help cool the processor. It is currently priced at around 307 CHF. At that value, the processor is worth every franc of the cost. 

AMD Ryzen 7 3800x

  • Radeon Gigabyte RX 6600 Eagle (Graphics Card)

    This is a beast of a graphics card designed to obtain sky-high frames per second, excellent cooling, and smooth airflow to keep sound to a minimum, and finally, this graphics card links up with the AMD 3-Way CrossFire software on the motherboard. These are tremendous benefits and will create a computer worth way more than its actual cost. Due to the current shortage of chipsets, graphic cards are either out of stock or pricy. 625 CHF for a graphics card of this caliber is an excellent deal.

AMD Radeon Gigabyte RX 6600 Eagle

  • Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro (Memory)

    For the RAM, I have decided to go with Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO Series. There were multiple options for the memory. I chose this one because of its high loading speed, its compatibility, the 16GB of memory it could hold, and the low price. The slick design and additional colors added to the memory also make it look fabulous. All these features come in two sticks of RAM for 85 CHF. The Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro is a well-suited RAM to beginners because of its friendly asking price and quality features.

Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 16 GB

  • Samsung 970 EVO Plus (Storage)

    For the storage, I had to choose the Samsung 970 EVO Plus from Samsung. It contains one terabyte of storage while running at super high speeds. Imagine the system booting up within seconds! This NVMe storage comfortably slides into a small socket within the motherboard. It will then be covered with a socket cover to keep the storage in place. One terabyte should be enough to hold a couple of games and some other work. This bestseller is worth 140 CHF, which is a standard for this stature of storage.

Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1 TB

  • Corsair RM650x (Power Supply)

    The power supply I have chosen is the Corsair RM650x. This power supply is a Gold Plus rated PSU. This means the efficiency of the machine is better. It has low energy consumptions while keeping noise and temperature to a minimum. The Corsair RM650x also has some precautions in short circuits, overheating, over/under voltage supply. Additionally, this power supply is fully modular. Fully modular PSUs make it easier to organize cable management for first-time builders. This protective, efficient power supply is worth more than its value of 98 CHF.

Corsair RM650x

  • Kolink Observatory RGB (Case)

    The Kolink Observatory is a case that already has four fans for the best airflow possible. It is a quality mid-range case. It is easy to build, while it also looks fantastic. It is large enough to fit my motherboard and other components. The Kolink Observatory RGB also provides space for cable management at the back of the case. Valued at 93 CHF, this case is worth its price tag.

Kolink Observatory RGB

This list sums up the PC I need. It’s worth every franc and is customized to benefit the games and work it will be used for. I talked to Varun K, a twelfth grader from ICS experienced in building and upgrading computers. He looked over the components I have chosen. Varun said all the parts were compatible, high quality, well priced. There were no more issues he could find. So, with an expert’s consent, I was now ready to proceed.

This process has taught me a lot, such as checking for compatibility and what each component does. But, most importantly, it has trained me to overcome problems. Hopefully, I can also learn how to put the parts together.

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