Top ten most dangerous sport

Top ten most dangerous sport

Many sports can be extremely dangerous. Some are obscure, and some sports on this list will be as expected. But one thing is for sure - all the sports that you are about to read about have their fair share of danger within! here are the top 10 most dangerous sport. Decided on danger by both injuries and deaths.

#10 Surfing

Surfing is extremely dangerous, one of the many reasons being because there is a high chance of falling from a towering wave. This is hazardous because the surfers are traveling at such a high speed that once they make impact the water below they could injure themselves severely. In addition to that, not only do they hit the water, they usually also collide with the reef below. If the water and the reef don’t get you the sharks will. So you may want to think twice before you go surfing.

#9 Street Luge


Street luge can be extremely unpredictable, even though there are many safety precautions like full leather outfits and motorcycle helmets. There were a total of 25 deaths recorded between 2008 and 2011. It’s so dangerous because you are going at such a rapid speed that if you fall, immense pain is almost a guarantee.

#8 Skiing

Skiing can be noticeably dangerous because there are thousands of ways you can be injured through skiing. Although the known difficulty of off-piste is knowingly risky, most of the death has occurred on groomed runs Some ways you could die from it would be getting hit by a tree, crevasses avalanches, falling wrong, and loads more.

#7 Bull riding


Bull riding is an extremely risky sport. Even though the sport has improved marginally when it comes to the safety of its riders, helmets are still optional. But the biggest question remains: why would people want to ride on top of a triggered bull?

#6 Rugby


Rugby is on another level. Men are barge into each other, pile on top of each other, and put their bodies on the line in order to win. Because of this, rugby is one of the toughest sports known to man with an extremely high danger level. Despite all these terrifying facts, thousands of people around the world play this treacherous sport.

#5 Bullfighting


Bullfighting is an old-fashioned sport, that to this day, people still do. It is extremely deadly since the rules of the game are to gradually kill a bull in a dance-like manner. The matador is at high risk, as the weight of these beastly creatures goes up to 700kg and they have very sharp horns and can crush you if they get on top of you. In professional bullfighting, there are dozens of injuries and deaths each year.

#4 Scuba diving


Besides the evident risk of drowning, there are loads of ways you can die from it. There could be a bad mix of gas in your tank, you could touch the surface too quickly, you could brush against sharp rocks, and of course, sharks could appear from beneath and attack, but only if you interact with them.

#3 MMA


“Broken bones are one of the most common injuries in MMA. MMA fighters sustain hits with very little, if any, protective equipment. The bones can endure quite a bit of stress in these fights, and bones can break,” says Dr. Gleiber from the a website specializing in injuries from the MMA. This shows that when fighting, bones can fracture or break due to not having any protection along with continuous strikes to the same place.

#2 Motor racing


From the words racing, you can already hear the risk of the sport. Racing is such a dicey sport, The riders and darting around a track on a motorcycle at 200 miles per hour. The chances of living through that are quite minuscular. In addition to that, the fuel could ignite, and you would burn to your death. It’s a death no one could endure.

#1 Mountaineering


It sounds safe but really, how would you like being 2000 meters high falling for seconds to your death. Each year thousands of people get injuries due to mountaineering. Most of those injuries result from slipping on a rock or falling. As common as death is, there are still missing people reports.

As said, these sports can be extremely brutal and have life-changing effects on you, so after hearing about these hazardous sports, you might want to think again before trying any of them out.

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