Advisory: What is the point?
Imagine going to school, and the first thing you do is go to is advisory, but you have never actually asked yourself, "Why should I go to advisory? "What is the purpose of it?"
Every student has their own opinion on advisory. Some students say that advisory is very pleasant; however, others believe it is boring.
To find out more about advisory, I interviewed Mrs. Nieto from the Zurich International School; she had some interesting answers to my questions. Mrs. Nieto is an advisor, but she also teaches Spanish at the Middle School.
Mrs. Nieto believes that a great advisor supports students, and if you have any concerns or problems, an advisor is the person to whom you can go and talk. She also thinks an advisor can be a reference for you. She assumes that an advisor is a link between school and parents; in this sense, the advisor informs about events that will happen, such as school excursions and trips. “I like that in advisory, students have a chance to meet more people, and I can get to know students who are not in my Spanish class."
If Mrs. Nieto could change something about advisory, she would like to have more quality time with students separately because she thinks she doesn't have time to talk to each of us individually. She says that we have to read the announcements in the morning and get ready for lessons, so that doesn’t leave too much time for anything else. Mrs. Nieto believes that having more time would be beneficial. One idea Mrs. Nieto shared is that she would also like to see us at the end of the day.
Mrs. Nieto believes
“ I am not just a teacher who teaches a subject. I am also a person who can guide and help my students, and my students can trust me. I think that's the best part, becoming more than just a picture.”
I asked Mrs. Nieto, "Do you think students should have the same advisor throughout Middle School?" This is because in the Upper School you don't change advisors for several years. “I would love that! I taught in other schools, and I could be with the same students throughout middle school.” Mrs . Nieto misses seeing children grow. If she could, she would change that.
The last question I asked Mrs. Nieto was: "What is the best thing about being an advisor?" "Many things!" she responded. Mrs. Nieto appreciates the feeling of being trusted by the students. "The feeling that I can be someone who can help students beyond the classroom, that I am not just a teacher who teaches a subject. I am also a person who can guide and help my students, and my students can trust me. I think that's the best part, becoming more than just a picture.”
In summary, I think that advisory can support us in getting organized at school, allow us to make new friends, and help us outside of school should we need someone to talk to and who is ready to listen.