Being Spiritual
About Dayana Signorell
My mom you would find all over the place, in her office, in her kitchen, and of course with us, helping out with homework or playing games. She is a true family person and loves to spend time with people that touch her heart. For her, being spiritual is living it 24/7, sometimes it’s quite demanding, but overall I like the way we learn to look at things differently.
Can you tell me about being spiritual?
“Spirituality is actually a very big thing. To me it means, I live by it every day, not necessarily in a religious sense. I am born Jewish and I do cherish it, but in our family, we actually only do the holidays by celebrating the traditions, getting together, eating fine dinners, and of course the presents for the kids. Rules and laws of our religion are rather not a part of our daily life. My spirituality is the curiosity of what life is beyond what we see.”
What do you mean by unseen?
“That there is no proof whatsoever; intuition can not be touched or seen. You need to dig for answers within yourself. Some people search for that their whole life, some people are also enlightened and have a deep spiritual sense. But you don’t need to be enlightened to be spiritual. It is something that your deepest feelings are touched by and it's magical when you get to this point. Then we feel that we are so much more than what we can see.”
How can you explain being spiritual?
“I think being spiritual means being aware of how you are, how your feelings are and being thoughtful. I mean listening to your inner voice, your gut feeling. At times your inner voice can be uncomfortable for certain people, because living by it, might cause others to not understand you. But it comes from the deepness of my soul and therefore I want to listen to that. Even if I make mistakes, that I am not perfect while I walk this planet, I am still spiritual.”
Which rank would this identity of being spiritual be on your list? And why would it be that?
“I guess it would be one of the first on my list. One of the top three, definitely. Because I am interested in following the questions of humanity. I have been doing this since I was twenty, so it’s [been] part of my life for 30 years. Of course, it crosses over of me being a mother and daughter. It takes place in everyday life while interacting with my surroundings. I try to be a spiritual mother and not one by the books. That is an interesting challenge, I can grow as a soul and as a person. I enjoy this very much.”
Do you listen often to your inner voice?
(laughs) “I try to listen as often as possible to my inner voice, of course, I have struggled with my inner voice. Because I also have an ego-part. Things my up-bringing taught me or society - then I have chaos sometimes. The ego plays my inner voice and brings me into trouble, which my inner voice would never. It’s sometimes hard to make out the difference. I wish that in time I am able to only listen to my inner voice. I think that gets you less into trouble with the daily challenges.”
Do you think being spiritual has an impact on how you see the world around you? Do you see it differently?
“Definitely, one hundred percent, when I look at it from a spiritual way, I get calm, I am without fear, I am open-minded, I don’t have tags. I don’t do strong evaluations of what's good or bad. That gives me peace. It brings me to see the world always as a good place, even when bad things happen. Maybe this is part of a big plan of a bigger force that we don’t see. Some call it god or universal strength. I believe it helps me believe in love and the good things of the world.”
A big question, do you feel proud to be spiritual? Is it something you really feel confident in saying that you are spiritual?
“I guess saying I am proud, is something coming from the ego-part. It fulfills my heart with happiness to say - I am spiritual, that suits it more. I try to live a spiritual life and this happiness is another form of pride.”
Do you have any advice for other people?
“What I would advise is that anyone should try and look for that spiritual part within her- or himself. Because it gives you inner strength and helps you to go through life with an open mind and open heart. I think especially these days it is needed, it keeps you grounded and sane. It is important to find that inner peace and inner love. So we can create a beautiful world for today and tomorrow.”
“I would like to lead a spiritual life so we can all create a beautiful world for today and tomorrow. I am glad if I look around me, that I see children like you or other young people leading a more spiritual life than generations before you.”
-Dayana Signorell