Growing up in the US
About Ginger Covey Hohl
If you're wondering who Ginger Covey Hohl is, look for a woman dressed in black and always on her phone or computer. Ginger grew up in Ohio, United States. She moved to Switzerland 10 years ago because her husband and she thought it was a good idea.
How do you think living in the US has affected you in your life?
“Being from the US has given me an opportunity to see many different people and different cultures and backgrounds and different economic statuses. That has opened my eyes to different types of people.”
Do you ever feel regret from living and going to school in the US?
“No, definitely not, being exposed to so many different aspects and viewpoints provided me with a lot of benefit in going to school in the US As opposed to other places where you might be surrounded by people a lot like you and not be exposed to different people that really enriches you as a person.”
Has the way they taught you ever impacted you and your life?
“That's a good questionI went to a public school in the US so in some ways I find that I could have had perhaps a better education somewhere else whether it is a different public school or a prestigious private school However I also benefited from being in that environment because I'm quite humble and I appreciate everything that I have.”
Are there any benefits of living in the US?
“I think I kind of like I said on the other questions think you're exposed to a lot of different types of people which I think is a huge benefit as much in Switzerland as well as having such a you know a vast difference between the different places in the US so you know being in New York is much different than being and even different big cities like Seattle or even smaller cities and I'll wear many different types of places with you so I can give Randy corner.”
How is living in the US shaped your identity I think I think?
“Languages is one key factor in terms of its much more difficult for me to pick up languages do my identity is very and I think I can be tied with languages in a way you know I can't quite assimilated as well and Switzerland as I would like because it's part of me to pick up a language as an adult.”
“I felt that I perhaps didn't have quite the same opportunities as… somebody else of a different that's a gender…”
-Ginger Covey Hohl
What are the differences between living in the US and living in Switzerland?
“Sunday that's a big one I think it's Switzerland it's great that you can be and you can visit so many different countries in such a short amount of time where is in the u.s. is kind of nice that you can actually like during Corona time you have your able to travel a huge bacteria without having restriction so I found about would have been actually quite nice.”
Living in the US do you have any agent or Target identities?
“I mean certainly you know being a Caucasian descent it is I mean clearly that is an agent identity I think very clearly you know I was lucky that I had no it's all lit up ringing and you know that certainly helped me to Target identity I suppose I mean I don't know much about the definition of that but as far as I understand being a woman could be a Target identity so you know I've certainly experienced times in my life where I felt that I perhaps didn't have quite the same opportunities as you know somebody else of a different that's a gender and I've seen that definitely was my mother you know and her generation that she was very well didn't have as much opportunity as a man did in the 1950s 60s 70s.”